Routine appointments with a doctor are available to book in advance.
Routine appointments with a Doctor are made available for booking 3 weeks in advance. We offer these as face to face or telephone appointments, as preferred. Routine appointments can be booked as soon as they are made available by using the NHS App or other online services such as SystmOnline, or by speaking to a receptionist. Nurse and Healthcare Assistant appointments can be booked slightly further in advance.
In addition to routine appointments we release a number of same-day appointments for urgent problems every day at 8am and 1pm.
Alternatives methods of contact
An eConsultation can be submitted to a GP/Nurse via this website for straightforward medical problems that are not likely to require a lengthy consultation. Pictures can be attached when relevant (eg sore throat, skin rash). Requests for sicknotes and regular medication can also be made via eConsultation and aim to process these within 24hours.
Please do not use eConsultations for urgent medical problems but call the practice at 8am or 1pm for a same day appointment.
The practice reception team are quick to process requests made by email and we welcome requests for repeat prescriptions, sicknotes and private medical requests via this method. Contact us at
However, eConsultation is now the preferred method for requesting medications and sicknotes and having emailed us, please be prepared to be asked to complete an eConsultation form via this website.
How to book
The easiest method is via the NHS App on your smartphone.
Alternatively our online services portal can be used, where you can book face to face and phone appointments. register for online services.
Reception is open between 8am until 6.30pm Monday to Friday on 0113 295 3666.